Shah Rukh Khan has a luxurious watch collection. Check out his latest one from the collection and the price will blow your mind.
Shah Rukh Khan’s suave style enamours audience globally. A superstar in the truest sense, Shah Rukh Khan was recently spotted wearing a luxury blue watch and soon became the talk of the town. SRK is making headlines with his viral performance at the brand launch event of his son Aryan Khan in Dubai. He danced on ‘Jhoome Jo Pathaan’ and captivated the audience. But, few horology enthusiast couldn’t stop talking about the stunning watch sitting on his wrist. And the price will blow your mind.
Donning baggy pants, a plain black t-shirt with denim jacket and cap, SRK simple and effortlessly spread his charm and swept the audience of their feet with his heartwarming performance. He styled his salt-pepper look with denim jacket and cap from Aryan Khan’s newly launched brand D’yavol X.
According to a famous horologist page on Instagram,he Indian Horology, a tracker of luxury watches, Shah Rukh Khan wore Patek Philippe Cubitus 5822P.Reportedly, the watch has a market price of ‘approximately $240,000 or ₹2,01,78,000’.