WEEK OF August 14 – 2 0, 2023
A key relationship might suddenly resemble a roller-coaster ride this week, so buckle up and sit tight! This being Leo season, the radiant Sun is lighting up your seventh house of committed partnerships, which always does an Aquarian’s heart good. But on Tuesday, August 15, your ruler, unpredictable Uranus, in your foundational fourth house, shoots a disruptive beam to that big-hearted Sun. This could play out with two people that you’re close to issuing mutually exclusive demands. Or a partner or relative makes no secret of their resentment towards someone else in your inner sanctum. As a peace-seeking referee, your first instinct may be to (futilely) attempt to accommodate everyone. Not only is that impossible, but it sends the very wrong message that you’re okay with people acting like petulant children. (Just…no.)
This is actually a teachable moment for you, Water Bearer: to examine why it can be so hard for you to simply say no to unrealistic requests. Intellectually, you know you can’t please everyone, so just stop trying. In mature relationships, people know that compromise is a necessary part of the equation, and even when they don’t like the result, they understand the bigger picture. If you’re dealing with someone who can’t or won’t “go there” with you, you need to ask what you’re still getting out of this connection. When you do stand up for yourself (or someone close to you), it can be a decisive game-changer for everyone!
Dynamic duos will become even more front and center on your mind starting this Wednesday, when the year’s only Leo new moon powers up your seventh house of relationships, intensifying your urge to merge. Single? Experiment with how much you can manifest simply through your desire, intentions and visioning work. Be very clear about what you want to come in, however, because Venus is retrograde until September 3. This Leo new moon reinforces the “opposites attract” rule, so stay open to people who don’t remotely fit into your usual type. Attached Aquarians probably won’t be able to keep sweeping inconvenient issues under the rug anymore. Rip off the Band-Aid and speak your piece…lovingly, of course. Committed couples will be able to weather this storm, but faulty foundations can’t be held together with emotional duct tape.
Fortunately, you’ll connect with people on a more profound level than usual this Wednesday, eschewing small talk like the plague. The reason? Passionate Mars in your erotic eighth house teams up with transformative Uranus in your compassionate fourth. Sure, you’ll have ’em at hello, but it’s a good time to practice your people-reading skills. Start by not taking what people say at face value; instead, read their body language. Folded arms, for example, can be a sign of resistance or denial. And someone who can’t (or won’t) make eye contact could be hiding something or lack confidence.
Ultimately, if you like someone but their body language is dubious, see if you can put them more at ease with YOUR words and facial expressions and movement. This planetary pairing may spark some strong feelings in you. If that happens, don’t fight it. You might be surprised by what happens if you allow yourself to be vulnerable. Tearing up or sharing about challenging issues is not a sign of weakness. It’s a necessary component of all relationships. If appropriate, take a risk and let your feelings out, Aquarius. You have more support than you realize.
See All Signs
Identical twin sisters Ophira and Tali Edut (a.k.a. The AstroTwins) are ELLE.com’s resident astrologers. They have written several astrology books, including Momstrology and Supercouple, and star as the astrological matchmakers for Prime Video’s Cosmic Love. The Eduts have read charts for celebrities the likes of Beyoncé, Karlie Kloss, and Emma Roberts. For their spot-on predictions, books, and online courses, check out our horoscopes coverage or visit astrostyle.com.