Super blue moon is a rare astronomical event that is occuring on August 30th and August 31. It has its own astrological important and here is the list of 7 zodiac signs which need to stay careful.
Super Blue Moon time in India: In August 2023, a super blue moon holds strong astrological power, impacting people in diverse ways. Still, a few zodiac signs will feel its impact more intensely. Here are the seven zodiac signs that will face the strongest influence from this event:
- Aries (March 21 – April 19): Aries folks are often impulsive and easily angered. The super blue moon can make these traits stronger, causing them to act without much thought and get angry easily. It’s a good idea for Aries to stay patient and calm now, and it’s better to hold off on big decisions for a while.
- Taurus (April 20 – May 20): Taurus people are usually steady, but the super blue moon might make them feel unsettled. They could become restless and nervous, even spending impulsively. To manage, Taurus should work on staying steady and avoiding risky choices, focusing on stability during this period.
- Gemini (May 21 – June 20): Gemini folks have a dual nature. The super blue moon can make their not-so-good side come out. They might struggle with decisions, act inconsistently, and lose focus on their goals. To manage, Gemini should aim to stay grounded and concentrated, and it’s better to hold off on important choices until this period passes.
- Cancer (June 21 – July 22): Cancer folks are usually emotional and intuitive. The super blue moon can make these traits stronger, causing them to feel extra sensitive and moody. To handle this, Cancer should focus on staying positive and grounded, and it’s a good idea to avoid getting stuck in negative thoughts during this period.
- Leo (July 23 – August 22): Leos are usually self-assured and social. The super blue moon might make them feel unsure and insecure. They could be extra cautious and make errors. To handle this, Leos should focus on keeping their confidence and positivity up and avoid comparing themselves to others during this period.
- Virgo (August 23 – September 22): Virgos are usually practical and logical. The super blue moon might make their judgment less clear. They could make careless errors and miss important things. To cope, Virgos should aim to stay organized and focused, and it’s better to avoid taking risks during this time.
- Scorpio (October 23 – November 21): Scorpios are often intense and passionate. The super blue moon might bring out their not-so-good traits. They could become more aggressive, controlling, and jealous. To manage, Scorpios should focus on staying calm and thinking things through, and it’s a good idea to avoid making impulsive choices during this period.
The super blue moon’s strongest point will be on August 30, 2023, at 9:35 p.m. EDT (7:06 a.m. IST on August 31). It can be seen in many places around the world. If you catch a glimpse, use the moment to connect with its energy and think about your goals for the future.
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