The intermediary procurer is a trader, buying RE power from the RE Power Generators as per the tariff-based competitive bidding guidelines.
Uniform Renewable Energy Tariff: Union Minister for New and Renewable Energy and Power RK Singh on Tuesday informed that the procedure for implementation of the Uniform Renewable Energy Tariff (URET) was issued by the Ministry of Power on 25 October 2023, however, the actual implementation of URET is yet to be initiated and hence Government has not conducted any assessment regarding the impact on cost escalation resulting from the implementation of a Uniform Renewable Energy Tariff.
The intermediary procurer is a trader, buying RE power from the RE Power Generators as per the tariff-based competitive bidding (TBCB) guidelines and selling the same to one or more distribution licensees, who in turn supply power to consumers in their area of jurisdiction and have public service obligation. Therefore, the intermediary procurer does not have any direct public service obligation.
The discovered tariff at which power is procured by distribution licensees to supply to the consumers is adopted by the respective electricity regulatory commission, under Sec. 63 of the Electricity Act.