Celebrating the love and bind of siblings, Raksha Bandhan is an auspicious festival festival celebrated across India. Here is the date, time and puja vidhi of tying the holy thread or rakhi.
The special occasion of Raksha Bandhan is here and cities, homes are all decked up in celebration. This festival is all about celebrating and strengthening the love between brothers and sisters. As per the age-old traditions, on this auspicious day, the sister ties a rakhi on her brother’s wrist to protect him from negativity. However, with changing times, this is no more compulsory. Several households witness siblings tying rakhi to each other.
Raksha Bandhan 2023: Date and Time
Lately, people often face the dilemma of when two celebrate the festival, as it often falls on two days. This year too, people are confused about when to celebrate rakhi. The shubh muhurat for performing the rakhi ritual will begin from 9:01 PM after Bhadra Kal time ends on August 30. According to Drik Panchang, “Raksha Bandhan rituals should not be done during Bhadra. Bhadra is malicious time which should be avoided for all auspicious work. It should be noted that Bhadra prevails during first half of Purnima Tithi.”
Raksha Bandhan Rituals
On this day, sisters perform aarti and pray for their brothers’ long life. They also tie the rakhi on their brother’s hand, apply tilak on his forehead and offer him sweets. Brothers also show their affection and love to their sister by giving some gift or money. As per Drik Panchang, the afternoon is the best time to celebrate Raksha Bandhan.
Raksha Bandhan Significance
The word Raksha Bandhan originated from Sanskrit -Raksha means to guard and Bandhan means a relation. It has its significance from the time of Mahabharat. According to mythological, it is belief that Draupadi tied a piece of clothes to Krishna’s wrist when he was fighting Shishupal, and then in return, Krishna’s promise to protect her.
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