Diabetes day is celebrated on November 14 to raise awareness about the health concern. Here are common myths debunked!
Diabetes is a global health concern with people increasingly suffering with this chronic condition. In India, let alone, over a million people are living with diabetes. This condition occurs when the pancreas are unable to optimally produce insulin or when the body does not use the insulin produced effectively. Diabetes is a chronic condition that affects how your body turns food into energy.It’s a serious health issue that, if not managed properly, can lead to a host of complications. It may lead to type 1 or type 2 diabetes.
Did you ever wonder that can sugar consumption lead to diabetes? Well, there are several myths and facts surrounding diabetes. to better understand the details and keep facts away from fiction, India.com reached out to expert for better comprehension. According to Dr. Uzma Anis Khan from Apollo Sugar clinic, Kondapur, there are several myths that one should stop believing and here are the facts.
5 Diabetes Myths and Facts
Myth 1: Diabetes can be caused by eating too much sugar
Fact: No. Diabetes isn’t caused by diet or lifestyle choices. However, the chances of developing diabetes are greater with overweight and obesity. A high-sugar diet is often a high-calorie diet, and too many calories can lead to weight gain. One would benefit from cutting down on sweets, desserts and sweetened beverages.
Myth 2: Diabetes can be cured
Fact: Diabetes is a chronic condition and unfortunately, cannot be cured. While Type 2 diabetes can sometimes be managed to the point of remission by achieving significant weight loss, the risk of recurrence or relapse remains, and continuous management is essential. Type 1 diabetes requires lifelong insulin therapy and careful monitoring. It’s important for individuals to understand that there is no cure for diabetes, and effective, long-term management requires medical guidance, lifestyle adjustments, and regular health check-ups to prevent complications.
Myth 3: People with diabetes should not eat fruits and sweets at all
Fact: In people with type 2 diabetes, having a lot of sugary foods, will make it difficult to control blood sugar levels and weight. This doesn’t mean that all sweet treats need to be excluded from the diet; key is to have small potions and keep them to every now and then rather than every day. Some fruits can be consumed on a daily basis. Working with a registered dietitian nutritionist will help individualise meal plan taking into account likes and dislikes.
Myths 4: Diabetes is contagious
Fact: Although we don’t know exactly why some people develop diabetes and others don’t, we know diabetes is not contagious. It can’t be caught like a cold or flu. Moreover, as per the research it’s a lifestyle disease along with role played by genetic family background.
Myths 5: Diabetes is not serious
Fact: Diabetes causes more deaths per year than breast cancer and AIDS combined. Presence of diabetes nearly doubles the chance of having a heart attack. However, appropriately managing diabetes can reduce the risk of developing diabetes related complications.
Myth 6: People with diabetes have to follow a special diet
Fact: There is no such thing as a diabetic diet – people with diabetes are advised to eat a healthy balanced diet just like everyone else. Well-balanced meals, which include lean protein, vegetables, healthy fats and whole grains, are good for everyone and can help manage blood sugar levels.
By understanding the facts about diabetes and taking proactive steps to manage the condition, individuals with diabetes can lead fulfilling lives. If you have concerns about diabetes, consult with a healthcare provider for accurate information and personalized advice.