Tokyo police arrested a former Nippon Life Insurance employee Tuesday for allegedly posting the personal information of a Yomiuri Giants player on an internet forum and threatening him with violent messages.
The suspect, Satomi Amano, 27, from Tokyo’s Setagaya Ward, is accused of obstructing the Tokyo-based baseball team’s business operations with her threats. She has denied the charges, claiming she doesn’t remember her actions due to having made “so many posts.”
Between late April and early June this year, Amano allegedly posted the personal information of a specific Giants player, along with threats like “I will slaughter you,” “I sentence you to death,” and “I will never forgive you.”
These posts, made over 30 times, forced team staff to report the incidents to the police and increase security measures, disrupting their work.
Amano worked at Nippon Life from September 2020 to March 2023 and had access to customer information. She allegedly posted photos of customer information screens showing the player’s name and address.
Amano was fined for threatening the same player in 2019.
The police began their investigation in May after being consulted with by the Giants. Amano was identified through the IP address linked to her smartphone.
Translated by The Japan Times