After completing his B.Tech, Charchit began preparing for the UPSC examination. During this time, the couple also tested the strength of their relationship. Charchit cracked the UPSC 2016 exam with an All India Rank (AIR) of 96, while Arushi faced some struggles in her career. However, she ultimately succeeded, clearing the UPSC IFS exam with AIR 2
The love story of IAS Charchit Gaur and IFS Arushi Mishra is quite popular on the internet. Their love story is no less than a filmy romantic tale. IAS Charchit Gaur is posted as ACEO at Uttar Pradesh State Industrial Development Authority (UPSIDA) while her wife is posted as DFO in UP’s Unnao. The couple met during JEE coaching.
Arushi Mishra is active on social media and she shared her love story during an interview. She came to know about Charchit Gaur in Kota when she met him during the IIT JEE coaching institute in Kota.
There were twists and turns in their love story which recalled a Bollywood film. Arushi Mishra is a native of Prayagraj while Charchit Gaur belongs to Rajasthan’s Kota. Charchit was quite popular in Kota for his achievement and since Arushi became his fan.
Charchit was reprsentingIndia in International Mathematics Olympiad (IMO) in Russia where he scored 500 out of 500 marks in IMO while Arushi was reading about his achievements in the newspaper.
A few months later, both got admission to IITs. Charchit Gaur enrolled in IIT Delhi, while Arushi was admitted to IIT Roorkee.They started chatting on social media. Soon after, they got into a relationship.
After completing his B.Tech, Charchit began preparing for the UPSC examination. During this time, the couple also tested the strength of their relationship. Charchit cracked the UPSC 2016 exam with an All India Rank (AIR) of 96, while Arushi faced some struggles in her career. However, she ultimately succeeded, clearing the UPSC IFS exam with AIR 2
Arushi had also cleared the UPSC exam with AIR 229 and was allotted the IRS. Later, the couple got married in 2021.