While Aadhaar is mostly used by adults, the government also issues this unique ID to minors. Check out these simple steps to enroll your child for Aadhaar.
How To Apply For Aadhaar For Children: Aadhaar is a 12-digit ID, unique to every individual, issued by the Government of India to its citizens based on their biometric and demographic data collected by the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI).
Though deemed voluntary by the Supreme Court, Aadhaar is considered essential to avail various government scheme benefits and also easily register for various services as it has become a one-point identification document pan-India. While Aadhaar is mostly used by adults to avail various services and for purposes of registration and identification, the government also issues this unique ID to minors, including kids under the age of five.
If you are thinking about availing Aadhaar for your child. Check out these 8 simple enrollment steps to easily procure Aadhaar for your little bundle of joy:
Step 1: Visit a nearby Aadhaar Enrolment Centre (The nearest enrolment centre can be located by visiting https://uidai.gov.in/en/)
Step 2: Fill the Aadhaar Enrolment Form and mention your Aadhaar number on the form)
Step 3: Aadhaar details of either the mother or the father of the child are required for enrolling children below 5 years. Fill the same.
Step 4: A photograph of your child will be taken at the enrollment center.
Step 5: Fill in the address and other demographic details from the Aadhaar card of the parent whose Aadhaar details were submitted in step 3.
Step 6: Submit a copy of the birth certificate of the child or discharge certificate from the hospital.
Step 7: The Aadhaar executive will hand over the acknowledgement slip that contains the enrolment number.
Step 8: The enrolment number can be used to check the status of Aadhaar generation.
That’s it. You have successfully completed the process of enrolling your child for Aadhaar services. Once the application is processed, you can download a digital copy of your child’s Aadhaar card from the official UIDAI website.
Please note that for children below 5 years of age, no biometric data is collected and the Aadhaar ID will be processed using the photographs and demographic data as mentioned in parents’ Aadhaar details. However, biometric data is required for enrollment of Aadhaar for children above 5 years old.
Also keep in mind that biometrics and demographic data must be updated once the child reaches the age of 15.