According to an official statement by Indian Railway, a nigh-time mega block will be enforced on suburban lines, including the Harbour Line between CSMT Mumbai and Panvel and the Trans-Harbour Line between Thane and Panvel, on Saturday and Sunday.
Indian Railway: The Mumbai Division of Central Railway (CR) has announced a night block due to maintenance work on its suburban section section scheduled for September 7th to September 8th. According to an official statement, a nigh-time mega block will be enforced on suburban lines, including the Harbour Line between CSMT Mumbai and Panvel and the Trans-Harbour Line between Thane and Panvel, on Saturday and Sunday.
However, there will be no block on suburban sections of the Harbour Line and Trans-Harbour Line during the day, the Indian Railway statement said, adding the night block is for carrying out engineering and maintenance works on the Slow Lines.
The UP and DOWN Slow Lines between Masjid and Kurla will be affected from 12:30 AM to 4:30 AM, it added.
Check out the list of affected trains below:
Diversions during night block:
DOWN Slow Line:
Trains departing CSMT Mumbai from 12:14 AM to 12:24 AM will be diverted to the DOWN Fast Line between CSMT Mumbai and Vidyavihar, stopping at Byculla, Parel, Dadar, Matunga, Sion, and Kurla.
The affected trains will then revert to the DOWN Slow Line at Vidyavihar station.
UP Slow Line:
Trains departing Ghatkopar from 12:10 AM to 4:24 AM will be diverted to the UP Fast Line between Vidyavihar and CSMT Mumbai, stopping at Kurla, Sion, Matunga, Dadar, Parel, and Byculla.
First and Last Local Trains Before/After Night Block:
DOWN Slow Line:
- Last local before night block: Thane Local will depart from CSMT Mumbai at 11:55 PM.
- First local after night block: Karjat Local will depart from CSMT Mumbai at 4:47 AM.
UP Slow Line:
Last local before night block: Karjat Local will depart from Kurla at 11:35 PM.
First local after night block: Thane Local will depart from Thane at 4:42 AM.