Indian Shooter and Olympic medal winner Manu Bhaker gave a moment of pure excitement to the fans on social media, recently she shared a personal and swank glimpse of her Olympic bronze medal box.
New Delhi: Indian Shooter and Olympic medal winner Manu Bhaker gave a moment of pure excitement to the fans on social media, recently she shared a personal and swank glimpse of her Olympic bronze medal box, sparking widespread admiration on social media. The suspense began when she posted an Instagram reel, no one wondered that it would be an exclusive moment for the fans. Following that Reel, she made an enhancing dramatic reveal.
It is worth mentioning that in this reel Manu Bhaker shows a close view towards the box which is blue in colour that names her historic medal. Viewers were totally surprised when they watched this reel and they were wondering about the text and symbols that were engraved on both the medal and its case. The bronze medal, a symbol of her unprecedented achievement as the first Indian to win two medals in a single Olympic Games since Independence, is showcased with pride.
In this Instagram Reel, her audience was truly captivated by Manu Bhaker’s final reaction. With a very playful wink and a laugh, she added a very beautiful moment for the viewers.
Her caption: “Grateful for all your blessings and support! Here’s a glimpse of the medal box that holds my Olympic dream.”
The post went viral and quickly gained attraction with fans, as they were expressing their feelings, pride, admiration and celebrating. They were not only celebrating her athletic prowess but also the personal sharing thing became very close between Manu Bhaker and her fans.