Deepika made a stunning statement in a checkered grey pant suit. Meanwhile, Ranbir and Alia opted for colour coordinated ethnic wear. SRK didn’t pose outside for the paps, however, insider pictures and videos of them have not gone viral. One sees Shah Rukh and Deepika sitting next to each other, while Alia and Ranbir are sitting behind them. In one picture which has gone viral, netizens think Alia has fallen asleep during the sleep.
See pic here:
Some users had the most hilarious comments on this photo. One user wrote, “Alia so rahi hai shayad” while another said “Looks like ranbir and alia are not interested and are bored.” A user said, “Ranbir checking score for the the ind pak game.”
Meanwhile, some videos have also gone viral and were shared by SRK’s fan club on social media.
They were all also captured clapping during the Prime Minister’s speech.
But SRK and Deepika fans were happy to just see them together and the duo were seen indulging in some conversations during the session.
SRK and Deepika Padukone at the IOC conference in Mumbai today ❤️ #ShahRukhKhan #InternationalOlympicCommittee
— Shah Rukh Khan Universe Fan Club (@SRKUniverse) October 14, 2023
Shah Rukh attended the event wearing a black suit and looking quite dapper. The actors were last seen together in ‘Jawan’.