Union Education Minister Dharmendra Pradhan on Sunday said the report to the UGC by Jadavpur University, where a student died recently after allegedly being ragged and sexually harassed, was “not satisfactory”.
JU Student Death: Union Education Minister Dharmendra Pradhan on Sunday said the report to the UGC by Jadavpur University, where a student died recently after allegedly being ragged and sexually harassed, was “not satisfactory”, PTI reported. He asserted that the TMC government in West Bengal “cannot evade responsibility” for the incident. The University Grants Commission(UGC) had made certain suggestions on the anti-ragging system, the minister said, adding that these include the installation of CCTV cameras, a separate cell to deal with ragging cases, and a communication facility among others.
“The University Grants Commission has sought a response from the university on what steps it has taken to implement these suggestions. The UGC has taken the matter seriously, and we have also taken it seriously. The university’s report to the commission was not satisfactory,” Pradhan said on the sidelines of a programme here, PTI added. There is no place for ragging in our educational institutions, he further added.
Jadavpur University(JU) Student Death Case
The 17-year-old student died after falling from a second-floor balcony of the main boys’ hostel near the campus on August 9, 2023. The deceased was a first-year undergraduate student of Bengali Honours. The deceased was a resident of Bagula in Nadia district. Nine former and current students of JU were arrested for allegedly ragging and sexually harassing the teenaged student leading to his death after falling from a second-floor balcony of the main hostel building. They were remanded to police custody. The student fell around 11.45 pm on August 9 and died while undergoing treatment at a hospital the next day. Kolkata Police has taken cognisance of JU students’ social media posts, including photographs, which suggest that there was an element of sexual harassment in the ragging of the student. The deceased’s family alleged he was a victim of ragging.
A JU official said the university authorities have responded to queries “within the regulatory framework about what had been done and what could be done”. Jadavpur University(JU) has also sent an exhaustive report to the Commission on multiple queries about the alleged ragging and sexual harassment of the undergraduate student that led to his death, as directed by the statutory body. Registrar Snehamanju Basu told news agency PTI that the university sent a detailed compliance report backed by documentary evidence before the deadline of 12 am on Thursday.
(With PTI Inputs)
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