It’s peanut butter day! Yes, little quirky day to celebrate but believe it or not there are certain health benefits those nutty delight also has to offer. Here is what we know,
It is National Peanut Butter Day, which might sound a little bizarre, but well in today’s contemporary times it is not that unusual. Peanut butter – who does not like it? This nutty delight is a people’s favourite and every year January 24 is celebrated for all those peanut butter lovers out there. Shaped by evolving tastes and a growing demand for healthier and convenient foods, consumers now seek products that offer nutrition, and customisation, and support their busy lifestyles. With growing demands and the need for variety, there is a plethora of options available in the market for consumers. Whether you are spreading it on toast or dipping your favorite snacks, jaggery peanut butter is a delightful treat that combines taste and nutrition in every bite, making it a satisfying choice for a health-conscious consumer.
This unique creamy and crunchy butter has secured a special spot on consumers’ grocery lists. In today’s fast-paced world, shifting consumer perspectives on well-being have influenced food preferences, shaping lifestyle choices. Once considered a product of Western influence, this nutty spread has now become a staple in Indian households. Opting for a peanut butter mildly sweetened with jaggery can be a good choice for those looking to enjoy a nutritious spread with a varied taste. Mild inclusion of jaggery not only gives a varied taste experience but also enhances the texture and intensifies the rich, nutty flavour, resulting in a truly delectable spread. got in touch with an expert to understand the potential benefits of this nutty spread. Dr. Shweta Rastogi, Clinical dietitian and lifestyle medicine consultant enlisted five key facts to encourage including peanut butter in your daily diet:
- Power Packed Nutrition: Peanut butter is a tasty and nutritious spread that can be enjoyed as a delicious spread and as an alternative to butter. Peanuts are a nutrient-rich plant-based protein source that contains vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and bioactive phytochemicals, leading to the perception that peanuts are a “superfood”, making them a great source of nutritious energy rather than just being empty calories devoid of beneficial components.
- Versatile Spread: The appeal of peanut butter lies in its incredible versatility. Whether creamy or crunchy, it complements both savoury and sweet foods. It serves as a perfect base for sandwiches, rolls, and puddings, adding a tasty twist to milk or smoothies while providing essential nutrition.
- Baker-friendly: The most distinguishing characteristic of peanut butter spreads is their aroma. What’s even better is its versatility for baking. Unlike cookies and bakery items that are usually made with hydrogenated fats / less healthy fats, which can contain a high amount of not-so-healthy saturated fatty acids, peanut butter has higher levels of healthier unsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs).
- Weight management: Peanut butter is known to provide a sensation of fullness. Research shows that if plain peanut butter is consumed with breakfast, due to the high protein content, there is increased secretion of a hormone called peptide YY, which promotes fullness, satiety and curbs frequent subsequent food intake. Also, the fibre and fats in it keep a person satiated for a long time.
- Overall Good health: Peanut butter is a wholesome addition to your diet for several reasons. It is a protein powerhouse, aiding in muscle maintenance and growth along with endurance training. The presence of heart-healthy unsaturated fats can help reduce bad cholesterol (LDL-C) and improve cardiovascular health.
Over the years, Peanut butter has acquired its role as a household staple owing to its nutritional benefits and a thick smooth consistency, making it the perfect healthy snack. However, for those with peanut allergies, caution is crucial. Also, one must be careful in purchasing the spread. Do check the label and only then purchase it. Consult with a dietician or expert for a better understanding of the same.
Peanut butter is a delightful treat for everyone, high in nutrients, and is also a local favourite.