Last week’s initial review of the Nikon Zf turned a few heads with its retro-inspired design, borrowing heavily from Nikons F-series film SLRs of yesteryear, but that’s only half the story. We got some hands on time with a pre-production version of Nikon’s 24MP mirrorless camera and took to the streets of New York City.

In this gallery, you’ll find color samples as well as images created with the Zf’s dedicated B&W mode. Also a note that we were limited to out-of-camera JPEG samples for this gallery, and while they can tell us some things, they don’t paint a complete picture of the camera’s image quality. We hope to update this gallery in the future with additional samples and Raw images as soon as DPReview secures a production model.

View our Nikon Zf pre-production sample gallery

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