Renowned photographer Jeffrey Milstein takes viewers on a breathtaking journey through the iconic skylines of New York and Los Angeles in his latest series of aerial photographs. From the dizzying heights of a helicopter, Milstein captures the bustling metropolises in all their grandeur, offering a fresh perspective on two of America’s most vibrant cities.
Milstein’s aerial photography offers a unique glimpse into the urban landscapes of New York and Los Angeles, revealing the intricate patterns of streets, buildings, and landmarks that define each city’s identity. Through his lens, viewers are treated to a bird’s-eye view of iconic landmarks such as the Empire State Building, Times Square, and the Hollywood sign, transformed into abstract compositions of light and form.
In capturing the essence of New York and Los Angeles from above, Jeffrey Milstein invites viewers to see these cities with fresh eyes, revealing the beauty and complexity that lie hidden amidst the hustle and bustle of urban life. Whether capturing the glimmering lights of Manhattan at night or the sprawling expanse of Los Angeles during the day, Milstein’s aerial photographs offer a captivating glimpse into the heart of these iconic cities.
Scroll down and inspire yourself. You can check Jeffrey’s Instagram link for more amazing photos.
You can find Jeffrey Milstein on the web:
New York City
Los Angeles
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