Sidharth Malhotrasaw ‘Jawan’ and tweeted about the film.The ‘Shershaah’ actor said, “Packed theatre with clapping and whistle sounds, enjoyed the festive atmosphere while watching @iamsrk sir do his magic. Big congratulations to sir, @Atlee_dir, #Nayanthara, @VijaySethuOffl, @deepikapadukone, and the entire #Jawan team! 🤗”
Shah Rukh responded to Sidharth’s tweet and recalled the time they’ve spent on ‘My Name Is Khan’. Sidharth was an assistant director to Karan Johar on ‘My Name Is Khan’ and hence has known SRK and Kajol since the time he was an AD. SRK wrote, “Thank u my man…. Happy u enjoyed the film. I know how much u have loved me from the days we worked on My Name is Khan. Big hug!!! Catch up soon…” Varun Dhawan was also an assistant director on the film along with Sidharth before the two actors made their debut together in ‘Student Of The Year’.
Thank u my man…. Happy u enjoyed the film. I know how much u have loved me from the days we worked on My Name is Khan. Big hug!!! Catch up soon…
— Shah Rukh Khan (@iamsrk) September 14, 2023
Meanwhile, Karan Johar also showered praise on ‘Jawan’ as he wrote, “MFG!!!!! I am late to this party!!!! But what a party this is!!!! @atlee47 hits it out of the stadium… it’s the kind of adrenalin rush film with big emotion that Indian cinema embodies and this film perfects!!!! Was blown away by the cinematic audacity of each frame!!!! How good was everyone !!! @sanyamalhotra_ @pillumani so so good! The entire ensemble! The gorgeous and fabulous @nayanthara @actorvijaysethupathi is so brilliant! Was mesmerised by @deepikapadukone she bought so much gravitas to her part and owned it like a bonafide veteran!!!! DP❤️❤️❤️❤️ and what do I say about Bhai @iamsrk … he is not just an irreplaceable force of nature but represents mega stardom in a way that only he can!!!!! He’s the emperor and we bow down in admiration … if you haven’t seen #jawan then you don’t know what you’re missing out on!!!! @redchilliesent @_gauravverma @poojadadlani02 my favourite producer @gaurikhan …. Congratulations !!! Juggernaut Alert!”
Shah Rukh responded to him and said, “Karan, thrilled u liked the film. & of course the trailer….all the ‘century’ things u said. Ha ha. @atlee47 & his full team have genuinely catered to what the audience feels & thinks. Made them abandon everything & come & fall in love with themselves. Audience is the Emperor! Love u!!!”