The existence of the “Cars” movies opens up all sorts of questions about the world these characters live in. Is there a Cars God? What did Cars evolve from? How are Cars born? The question on the forefront of my mind, however, is whether or not there is a Cars Irish Republican Army. Luckily for me and other anti-imperialism enthusiasts, one TikToker has answered the question. I’m happy to report that there is indeed a Cars IRA.
User Daniel Lukas deconstructs his theory by working backward. He first points out that there is a Car Pope in “Cars 2.” That means there is a Cars Catholic Church in the universe of “Cars.” From there, we can gather that at one point there was a Cars Jesus – possibly called Jesus Chrysler. Are you still with me? Good, because this is where things really heat up.
Lukas surmises that because there was a Cars Jesus, it also means that a Cars King Henry VIII (possibly King Henry The V-8th) exists, and when he wanted to divorce his wife, he had to split the Cars Catholic religion and Cars Protestant religion into separate entities. This would obviously lead to a Cars Troubles in Northern Ireland. That means – ultimately – there was indeed a Cars IRA.
There is just one question left to answer: if the cars themselves were the members of the IRA, what did they blow up? It wouldn’t have been car bombs, in Lukas’ opinion. He believes they would have exploded human bombs. This is the one aspect of his theory I’m not too sure about. Humans are never mentioned anywhere else in the “Cars” universe, but for the purposes of this video, I’ll allow it.
We’ve talked a lot about the “Cars” movies in the past. Most of these musings come from Jason Torchinsky’s twisted mind. Remember that guy? Anyway, we’ve talked about how their entire world works, how their eyes are in the wrong place and mused over the disturbing questions raised by their very existence. This is all to say that we are the best source of information about a movie that debuted 18 years ago.