Noida police on Tuesday arrested a 39-year-old IIM Bangalore graduate for allegedly defrauding women he met through a matrimonial website. According to the police, Rahul Chaturvedi, residing in a rented apartment at Radha Sky Garden Society in Bisrakh, Greater Noida, reportedly swindled more than 16 women out of nearly Rs 8 lakh and several iPhones by creating a fraudulent profile on the matrimonial website. At present, Chaturvedi is in jail.
Meet Rahul Chaturvedi, IIM Graduate Who Deceived 20 Women with False Claims
DCP (Central Noida) Shakti Mohan Avasthy stated that Chaturvedi earned his BCom from a private university in Madhya Pradesh before continuing his higher education at the Indian Institute of Management(IIM) Bangalore.
According to a report in TOI, Avasthy stated that between 2012 and 2017, Chaturvedi worked as an HR manager at a telecommunications company in Gurgaon, followed by a role at another multinational company in Bengaluru from 2018 to 2021. In 2022, he reportedly moved to Noida and started a garment business with a partner. A case was filed against Chaturvedi under sections 316(2) (criminal breach of trust), 352 (intentional insult with intent to provoke a breach of peace), and 351(2) (criminal intimidation) of the BNS at the Bisrakh police station.
Chaturvedi’s fraudulent activities were exposed when a 40-year-old woman from Greater Noida lodged a complaint at Bisrakh police station on September 7. According to Avasthy, the woman stated that she met Chaturvedi through a matrimonial website. After exchanging messages for a few days, he began visiting her home and even met her parents. As per the TOI report, Chaturvedi allegedly swindled her out of approximately Rs 2.4 lakh through several transactions, claiming he needed the money for his father’s medical expenses. He also bought shoes worth Rs 16,000 using her funds. When she requested her money back, Chaturvedi cut off all communication and threatened her.